Student Communities
Film and Photography Club
The Goal of This Club is to Familiarize Students with the Process of Photography and Filmmaking, As Well As the History of These Arts As Much As Possible.
Some of The Activities of This Club Include:
Some of The Activities of This Club Include:
- Organizing Filmmaking Courses,
- Familiarizing Members with Cinema Literature, Introducing Film Criticism Principles, Photography, and Principles of Working in the Darkroom with the Presence of Professional Instructors,
- Planning Sessions for Reviewing and Introducing Films in Two Sections:
- Monthly Sessions Exclusively for Club Members,
- Special Public Sessions for All Students.

Music Club
The Music Club of Kish International Campus of Sharif University of Technology Was Established as a Cultural and Artistic Institution With The Aim of Promoting Music Works and Creating a Suitable Platform for Talented Students in Various Fields.
Objectives and activities:
Objectives and activities:
- Holding Educational Workshops,
- Performing Artistic Programs,
- Playing Traditional and Classical Music at Various Ceremonies,
- Organizing Various Conferences and Festivals,
- Creating a Platform for the Participation and Promotion of Talented Students in Festivals.
Performing Arts Club
The Association of Performing Arts Has Been Established with the aim of Harmonizing with the Cultural Development Objectives and Achieving Effective Indicators of Performing Arts Based on The Cultural Needs of Islamic Iran, as Well as Creating Necessary Motivations for Artists, Identifying and Supporting Talented Students, Establishing Connections with Theater Organizations and Groups, Exchanging Information and Collaborating with Recognized Performing Arts Institutions and Organizations Throughout The Country.

Sports Club
This Sports Club Has been Established with the Aim of Encouraging Young People and Students to maintain their Health and Fitness, and Creating a Suitable Platform for their Participation in Regular, Principled, and Lawful Sports Activities. Additionally, it aims to Create Appropriate Conditions for Discovering, Developing, and Nurturing Sports Talents at all Levels and Promoting Championship.
Extra Program
- Live Broadcasting of the World Cup Football Matches in the Conference Hall Celebrating Yalda Night
- Organizing a Sports Festival among Universities
- Celebrating Student's Day Conducting Safety and Health Workshops
- Setting Up an Aerospace Booth at the International Exhibition of Irshoo