Joint Programs

SUTIC has held a successful joint program with Multimedia University of Malaysia and looks forward to further international collaborations and joint programs with universities around the world.
Joint Degree Program in Business
Online MBA (General) with Multimedia University
This program was a MBA cooperative program that started in 2006 with the final student intake
in 2011.

SUTIC has held a successful joint program with Monash University of Australia and looks forward to further international collaborations and joint programs with universities around the world.
Joint Degree Program in Computer System Engineering & Electrical
Bachelor of Engineering with Monash University
This program was an undergraduate cooperative program that started in 2003 with the final student intake in 2007.
Jointly Supervised PhD Degree (Cotutelle) between Macquarie University and Sharif University of Technology
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Each successful candidate will be awarded a separate degree by each university including a Doctor of Philosophy by Macquarie University
If eligible, the PhD candidate may receive a scholarship from Macquarie University to cover tuition fees while enrolled at Macquarie University under the Macquarie University Research Excellence Scholarship (“MQRES”) Scheme. The PhD candidate will need to satisfy the eligibility criteria for the award of a scholarship. Continued award of scholarship, including any living allowance stipend, would be subject to satisfactory academic progress and governed by the scholarship’s conditions of award. The scholarship may also provide a stipend while the PhD candidate is located on the campus at Macquarie University. The value and tenure of a scholarship will be communicated to the successful candidate in their letter of offer. The 2017 value of the stipend living allowance is $26,682 AUD (about $20,000 USD). This is paid to the eligible candidate as a tax free fortnightly amount to an Australian Bank Account.
The students at the International campus of Sharif University of Technology can now apply to this Joint
Degree Program if they meet the criteria and requirements of this program.
For more information about Macquarie University (including the educational programs, professors and the areas of specialization, campus life, etc.) please refer to its official website: https://www.mq.edu.au/
OR Visit Sharif University: http://ia.sharif.ir/dual-degree-programs/
Inter-University Memorandum of Understanding between L’Institut National Polytechnique de Grenoble France and Sharif University of Technology
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Sharif University of Technology has signed a memorandum of understanding in 1999 with L’instiut National Polytechnique de GRENOBLE (INPG) and has agreed to extend their scientific and academic collaboration to facilitate exchanges of students, teachers and researchers from their institutions.
This collaboration is initiated in Electrical Engineering and Electronics and may subsequently spread to other specialties. Both the parties plan is to develop joint research projects.
The students at the International campus of Sharif University of Technology can now apply to this Joint Degree Program if they meet the criteria and requirements of this program.
For more information about L’instiut National Polytechnique de GRENOBLE (INPG) (including the educational programs, professors, and area of specialization, campus life, etc) please refer to its official website: http://www.grenoble-inp.fr/
Memorandum of Understanding between I’Ecole Nationale Superieure d’Arts et Metiers (ENSAM) and Sharif University of Technology concerning Master of Science Double Degree Program
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They complete 18 credits of theoretical coursework at SUT in the first year. Upon successful completion of the course work and the minimum French language requirement verified by a common committee, the student will be eligible to pursue the second year of the program at ENSAM. The second year of Master program will be organized in two semesters in which the student complete 4 to 8 courses representing 30 ECT in the first semester and fulfill his/her research work which is equivalent to 30 ECT in the second semester. Both degrees are granted simultaneously at the end of the study and after a favorable decision by the two institutions, the students receive a Master of Science Degree from SUT and also the degree of Master of Research by ENSAM.
The students at the International campus of Sharif University of Technology can now apply to this Joint Degree Program if they meet the criteria and requirements of this program.
For more information about ENSAM (including the educational programs, professors and the areas of specialization, campus life, etc.) please refer to its official website: http://artsetmetiers.fr/
Or Visit Sharif University: http://ia.sharif.ir/dual-degree-programs/
Memorandum of Understanding between Universita degli Studi di Milano, Milan, Italy and Sharif University of Technology
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To be admitted to this Dual Ph.D. Degree’s Program, the applicant shall have to pass the Dual Ph.D. Degree’s Program Admission Examination.
Each Ph.D. student will select at least one Co-supervisor at SUT and at least one Co-supervisor at UNIMI.
The total duration of the Ph.D. Degree’s Program at UNIMI and the one at SUT, of no less than 3 years, are defined by the respective current regulations. The Ph.D. student will study on a full-time basis for atleast one year at one of the UNIMI campuses during the total durations of the respective Ph.D. Degree’s Program.
After having fulfiled all other educational and research requirements, to obtain each of the two Ph.D. Degree envisioned by this Dual Ph.D. Degree’s Program each Ph.D. student has to pass the Final Defense Examination either at UNIMI or SUT, under the respective regulations, possibly by videoconference.
Ph.D. student who have passed the Final Defense Examination either at UNIMI or SUT are awarded with the Ph.D. Degree in Computer Science by UNIMI and the Ph.D. Degree in Computer Science by SUT.
Each Ph.D. student is responsible for his/her own international and local transportation costs and insurance plan unless special arrangements are made by the host university.
The students at the International campus of Sharif University of Technology can now apply to this Joint Degree Program if they meet the criteria and requirements of this program.
For more information about Universita degli Studi di Milano (including the educational programs, professors and the areas of specialization, campus life, etc.) please refer to its official website:https://www.unimi.it/
OR Visit Sharif University: http://ia.sharif.ir/dual-degree-programs/
Memorandum of Understanding between Politecnico Di Milano and Sharif University of Technology
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Sharif University of Technology has signed a memorandum of understanding with Politecnico Di Milano and agreed to develop a system of academic exchanges from the year 2016 that will allow a Ph.D. candidate to perform coordinated doctoral studies at both universities by spending periods of similar duration at both sides, jointly guided by scientific supervisors from both universities, aimed at obtaining the doctoral title from each university by satisfying the requirements and quality standards of the doctoral studies of each university. After completing the double doctoral program and satisfying all the associated requirement, the Ph.D. candidate will be awarded the “Dottorato di ricerca “by Politecnico di Milano and Doctor of Philosophy by Sharif University of Technology.
Good knowledge of the Italian language is required, otherwise the candidate should take several courses at Politecnico to improve his/her Italian language.
Duration of the Program: 4 Years (2 years at SUT, 2 Years at Politecnico Di Milano)
The Ph.D. candidate will be enrolled annually at both universities. However the enrollment fees will be paid only to the home university (i.e. the University of Origin)
Each university will appoint a professor as thesis supervisor. Atleast 15 ECTS credits related courses must be obtained at the Politecnico di Milano.
The Doctoral Thesis should be written in English, with two extended summaries in the language of the two involved universities.
The defense of the thesis will be held at SUT, the committee for the thesis defenses will be composed by three professors (one from SUT, One from Politecnico Di Milano and one from a different university).
The students at the International campus of Sharif University of Technology can now apply to this Joint Degree Program if they meet the criteria and requirements of this program.
For more information about Politecnico Di Milano (including the educational programs, professors, and area of specialization, campus life, etc.) please refer to its official website: http://www.polimi.it
OR Visit Sharif University: http://ia.sharif.ir/dual-degree-programs/
SUT/ University of Waterloo Dual Supervision (Cotutelle) of PhD Program
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Student applicants for SUT/UW dual PhD Program shall be initially selected by SUT and then presented to UW for review and approval for admission.
The submission of application to UW should happen within a maximum of one year after the applicant is admitted to SUT. The period of required residence at UW will be a minimum of four academic terms, full time. The candidate will pay tuition fees (plus international tuition and incidental fees) to UW while he/she is in UW. UW will provide the letter to the student, indicating the financial support offered. In addition, the student, while resident at an institution is entitled to apply for any scholarship or bursary funds for which he/she is eligible.
The candidate will undertake his/her program of study and research under the joint responsibility of a supervisor at UW and a supervisor at SUT. Students are required to pass a qualifying examination at SUT according to the rules and regulation of PhD qualifying examination stipulate by SUT. The student needs to pass this exam before he/she can take his/her thesis proposal examination.
· A thesis comprehensive exam (proposal examination) will be carried out by UW
· The exam committee will be assembled by the thesis advisors from SUT and UW.
· The thesis defense will occur normally at SUT.
· The thesis will be written in English and normally will be defended in English language
· Following successful completion of the candidate’s program of study and thesis defense, each institution agrees to confer the doctoral degree upon the candidate and issue the appropriate diploma. Each diploma will state that the doctorate was completed under cotutelle program.
For more information about University of Waterloo (including the educational system, professors and their areas of specialization, campus life, etc) please refer to its official website: http://uwaterloo.ca
OR Visit Sharif University: http://ia.sharif.ir/dual-degree-programs/
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Since the signing of Agreement on Dual Degree PhD Program in 2012 between SUT and HKUST, four cohorts of SUT students have entered into this dual degree program. Students of the second year of PhD at Sharif University of Technology can apply for the SUT/HKUST Dual Degree PhD Program. By the time of the application, the students should have passed their comprehensive exam and they are highly advised to defend their research proposal before entering the program.
The general call for SUT/HKUST Dual Degree PhD Program is announced every year in December through an email which is sent to all PhD students at Sharif and SUT’s official website. Applicants should send the required documents (stated in the email and the announcement) to the International Affairs Office or the Education Office of their departments. After examining the documents and an interview, the selected students will be introduced to HKUST.
Please note that student candidates in the SUT/HKUST Dual Degree PhD Program:
· Must have two supervisors, one at each institution
· Are required to take at least three-credit course at the host institution
· Are required to spend a minimum of two academic years in residence at SUT and a minimum of two academic years at HKUST
Upon the successful completion of the program, a dual degree (from both SUT and HKUST) will be conferred on the students (a special note on the degree certificate will state that the two doctoral degrees conferred on the student are one and the same).
The total number of student candidates participating in the SUT/HKUST Dual Degree PhD Program shall not exceed five in any given academic year.
Students accepted on the program will usually be funded by HKUST.
For more information on HKUST (including the educational system, professors and their areas of specialization, and campus life) can be found on its official website: http://www.ust.hk/.
OR Visit Sharif University: http://ia.sharif.ir/dual-degree-programs/