Language Center Courses
KISH 1 & 2: English Compensation Courses
In order for the students to join the programs at SUTIC, they must meet the English language entry requirement of 5.5 overall band score of academic IELTS or 69 TOEFL iBT score. The two six-credit compensation English courses are designed for those students who do not meet the entry requirements but have been assessed as being eligible to study at SUTIC. Kish compensation courses aim to prepare the students for their technical and specialized courses taught in English by our recognized lecturers and professors.
Kish 1
Course Objectives
Kish 1
Course Objectives
- Students will be able to communicate effectively and appropriately in real life situations
- Students will be able to score academic IELTS 4.5 at the end of this semester
- Students will improve their speaking ability in English
- Students will increase their reading speed and comprehension of texts
- Students will enhance their vocabulary knowledge
- Students will strengthen their ability to write essays
- Students will develop and integrate the use of the four language skills
Required Texts for Kish 1
Step Up to IELTS by Vanessa Jakeman and Clare McDowell (Cambridge University Press). Step Up to IELTS covers essential exam skills and language for IELTS and familiarizes students quickly with the exam. |

4000 Essential English Words is a six-book series that is designed to focus on practical high-frequency words to enhance the vocabulary of learners from high beginning to advanced levels. The series presents a variety of words that cover a large percentage of words that can be found in many spoken or written contexts. |

General English

General English is a 3-credit mandatory course which is offered in the list of general courses of the Ministry of Science, Research and Technology of Iran for BSc programs. All undergraduate students in Iran must pass this course in order to graduate. This course is developed for BSc science and engineering students at Sharif University of Technology, International Campus on Kish Island who intend to improve their general English knowledge and as a pre-requisite to their Oral Communication and Technical Writing courses offered afterwards. The classes meet three hours per week.
Course Objectives
The main purpose of this course is to boost up the students’ language proficiency with regard to reading skill and vocabulary. However, due attention is given to speaking, listening and writing as well. In short, the students are expected to:
- acquire a good knowledge of vocabulary through word roots, prefixes and suffixes in order to better enrich their lexical repertoire.
- improve their knowledge of grammar contained in reading passages through implicit or explicit communicative instructions.
- expand their reading strategies introduced in each chapter of the book. These skills include skimming, scanning, inferencing, previewing, identifying meaning from context, etc.
- improve their speaking competence through related discussions on the passage and in the pre-reading/post-reading activities and also giving lectures.
- improve their listening skills through the related audio-visual tasks and exercises assigned in class.
Course Books and Resources (for class and homework):
Students need certain materials to complete this course successfully. In addition to loose-leaf paper for notes and assignments and a folder in which to collect your work for this course, you must have the following textbook:
Student’s Textbook: Lee, L., & Bernard, J. (2011). Select readings: Book 4 (Upper-Intermediate) (2nd Edition). Oxford: University Press. [with audio CD].
Students need certain materials to complete this course successfully. In addition to loose-leaf paper for notes and assignments and a folder in which to collect your work for this course, you must have the following textbook:
Student’s Textbook: Lee, L., & Bernard, J. (2011). Select readings: Book 4 (Upper-Intermediate) (2nd Edition). Oxford: University Press. [with audio CD].
Oral Communication
Oral Communication in English is a 2-credit course offered to all undergraduate students studying at SUTIC. This mandatory course prepares the BSc students for their academic encounters at the university context and they will be familiarized with the techniques of effective presentation and communication.
Course objectives Students will be able to converse effectively in English and improve their speaking skills.
Recommended Coursebooks
- Speaking for IELTS (Collins Publication)
- English for Presentations at International Conferences, Wallwork, A. (2016)
- The Art of Public Speaking, Stephen E. Lucas, 2008 (10th Edition)
- Public Speaking for College and Career, Gregory Hamilton, 2013 (10th Edition)
- TED Talk Videos

Technical Writing

Technical Writing, as a 2-credit mandatory course, is offered to all undergraduate students at SUTIC. As a crucial skill in academic contexts, writing is considered to be the most difficult to acquire. It is also one of the most essential skills in university contexts as university students are required to submit a range of essays as their course projects during their studies. SUTIC Language Center provides the Technical Writing in English to improve the students’ writing ability in English.
Course ObjectivesUpon completion of the course, students will be familiar with:
- the key features of effective writing;
- characteristics of a good writer;
- writing mechanics
- genres of writing
- types of language registers in writing
- features of Academic Writing;
- types of essays
- writing sections in Standardized Tests in English
- the organization of an essay
- paragraph writing
- types of paragraphs: major and minor paragraphs
- letters vs. emails
- APA system of referencing and citation
- plagiarism in writing
- Haines, S. (2008). Real Writing. Cambridge University Press.
- McCarter, S. (2014). Writing for IELTS. Macmillan Publishers Limited.
- Palmer, G. (2006). Writing Extra. Cambridge University Press.
- Williams, A. (2011). Writing for IELTS. HarperCollins Publishers.
- Zemach, D.E., & Rumisek, L.A. (2005). Academic Writing: from Paragraph to Essay. Macmillan Publishers Limited.